LED Solutions is proud to announce that we have been accredited with ContractorCheck for fourth year since 2012. A big part of our job requires that we perform many complicated installs including large signs on high rises to LED lighting fixtures and lamps, both indoor and outdoors. Our accreditation was a result of full assessment of or Health & Safety policies and procedures, training, and insurance compliance having demonstrated a commitment to Health & Safety competency. We are proud to be pre-qualified to work with the largest commercial property companies and corporations in the country.
Few words about ContractorCheck
Every small to large business at some point requires the services of independent contractors for many business needed. Some of these services requires giving extensive facilities access to the contractors for many necessary maintenance and upgrade jobs. And all those jobs require that given contractor not only be competent at their trade but also be fully certified and insured. Failing to perform necessary due diligence on part of the business owner or property manager can result in liability arising out of any unfortunate incident.
Performing such due diligence would be time consuming and expensive but thanks to ContractorCheck, a single certification to achieve that peace of mind. Contractor Check essentially make sure that the contractor they certify is fully qualified and competent to do the job they specialize in. In their own words:
“The program is designed to give our clients in commercial property, educational facilities, hospitals and retail comfort knowing that any ContractorCheck Accredited contractor they engage with has demonstrated that they have a safety program that satisfies federal and provincial legislation, as well as client specific requirements. Every assessment is assessed and/or accredited by an experienced CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional).
The Assessor’s role is more than review. Assessors gather evidence to determine if the contractors program meets legislative requirements and is appropriate for the work they do.”
Learn more about contractor Check on their website at www.contractorcheck.ca.
P.S. Check out our Proximity Marketing enabled intelligent signs www.ledsolutions.ca/intelligent-sign/
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